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Join us on September 25 at Christ Community Methodist Church, 205 North Duffy Road, Butler, PA.  Our program will be by our PASR Executive Director, Kristen Holjes, PASR Assistant Executive Director, Mark Krempa, and our State PASR President, Mary K Davis. We have invited PASR Mercer Chapter, Beaver Chapter, and Clarion Chapter to join us for discussion, information, and sharing. 
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Legislative&L/PEC: Peg Harding

RECREO: Margaret Hoffman;  Peg Harding/liason

SS/MHF: Ruth Scott

By-Laws: Joanne Meredith

Ed. Support: Diana Bowman

Community Service: Peg Harding

Membership: Sharon Kline

Reservations: Donna Vogel

Public Relations: Polly Shaw

Entity Chairs:

Butler: Sharon Kline

BC3: Ruth Scott

Karns City: Pat Hauman, Enid Wilson

Mars: Minette Thompson

Moniteau: Carol Ball

Seneca Valley: Joanne Meredith

Slippery Rock: Ellen McIntyre

South Butler: Virginia Shirey, Doris Herceg


General Membership Meetings

begin at noon, Christ Community Methodist Church, 205 N Duffy Rd, Butler PA.

September 25 - host Butler

December 11 - host BC3

Executive Board meetings begin at noon, small room at Christ Community. They are Wednesdays this year.

February 7, April 10, August 7, Oct. 23

Our normal routine: 

PASR Butler Chapter meets four times a year in March, May, September, and December. 


Our noon luncheon meetings include a short business meeting and an informative/entertaining program. 


We convene at noon at the Christ Community United Methodist Church, 205 N. Duffy Road, Butler, PA 16001.  Use the rear entrance through the double glass doors to the social hall.


Archive of Butler Chapter Newsletters, Journey, since Sept. 2013

"Alphabet Soup" links page to helpful agencies 

PASR Butler By-Laws

revised May 29, 2024

COLA - Cost of living Adjustment; current efforts by PASR from state website

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Mary K Davis

PASR State President


Peg Harding,

Immediate Past President


Some Past Butler Presidents:

Mary K Davis, Joanne Nolsheim, Helen Ferguson, front, Lorraine Kesterson

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