Pennsylvania School Retirees Association
Butler Chapter

"to serve others in need and help one another"
Region 8 Mission Statement
Center Avenue Community School The Butler Area School Reconfigured the operation of Center Avenue Elementary to become a community school that now houses a different population of students, K-12, with most grades 7-12. At risk students are now placed there for Alternative Education, providing the greatest need of intervention. The building also houses students who require emotional support. The district’s own students attend this school, as well as students sent by other county school districts, who required this special placement. Center Avenue Comunity School cultivates a safe and supportive environment to confidently nurture skills and talents of the students.
Butler PASR is examining ways to support this school. Center Avenue Community School may not have the same kind of family support that many of us enjoyed during our own teaching careers. 93% of the students are low income. 51% are male, with 49% female.
Many come to school without breakfast. Some have not had the opportunity to bath. Clothing and personal hygiene items would be given to the school nurse to distribute as she sees a need. The Tornado 200 is an incentive program where all students can earn good behavior points to cash in for rewards.
Here are some suggested items:
General clothing: shirts, pants, sweatshirts, etc.
Underwear and socks mostly for male students: maybe kids size 6-adult XL
Hair combs/brushes
Toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash
Snacks for Tornado 200 (i.e. individual bags of chips, cans of pop/juice boxes, etc.
$5-$10 gift cards for Tornado 200 incentives (Dunkin Donuts, Walmart, iTunes, McDonald's, Burger King) ï‚· Grand Prizes for Tornado 200 (midyear and end of year for Alt. Ed. and ES)-last year the school gave away an iPad and Xbox
Classroom incentives (candy, gum, mints, snacks)
Age and content appropriate DVDs for in-classroom use
Gift cards to local retailers to purchase shoes/clothes/etc. for students

Ruth Scott delivered our donations to Center Ave Community School in Dec. 2018.