Pennsylvania School Retirees Association
Butler Chapter
"to serve others in need and help one another"
Region 8 Mission Statement
John J. Dillon PASR Service Award
Each chapter may grant the John J. Dillon PASR Service Award annually to the member of its choice. The Executive Committee for each chapter may nominate one person to receive this recognition. Eligible candidates include any volunteer serving PASR at the local, region, or state level except a current chapter president, region director, region representative, or statewide officer. An annual listing of the John J. Dillon PASR Service Award recipients is produced, framed, and hung on display at PASR Headquarters in the John J. Dillon Hall of Fame. Additionally, a certificate is provided to the chapter president for presentation by the chapter to its honoree.
Norma Neely
2012 Marcia Semple
2013 Patricia Bowles
2015 Joanne Nolsheim
2016 Veronica Rozic
2017 Mary K Davis
2018 Polly Shaw
Past Presidents, PASR Butler
1998-1999 Joanne Nolsheim
2005, 2006 Lorraine Kesterson
2007, 2009
2009, 2010 Marjorie Kirk
2011, 2012 Veronica Rozic
2013, 2014 Mary K Davis
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Peg Harding
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Polly Shaw
Outstanding Butler Volunteers of the Year
PASR encourages members to volunteer time and talents. Each year, the Butler Chapter asks members to submit volunteer hours in a variety of areas. These hours and tabulated and submitted to the state level as evidence of data supporting our vital contribution to the community. Each year the Butler Chapter selects one member for recognition.
2002 Bill Lehnerd
2003 Marcia Semple
2003 Dolores Elli
2005 Joanne Nolsheim
2006 Mary Angert
2007 Donne Reeder
2008 John Prichard
2009 Doris Herceg
2010 Virginia Shirey
2011 Peg Harding
2012 all members with 75+ hours: Mary Angert, Carol Ball, Maxine Botti, Diana Bowman, Mary K Davis, Kathleen Gardina, Audrey Gerlach, Nancy Hannigan, Peg Harding, Doris Herceg, Christine Holman, Jim Huemme, Peggy Morrison, Joanne Meredith, John Prichard, Donna Reeder, Marcia Semple, Virginia Shirey, Lynn Richards, Veronica Rozic, Virginia Thompson, Joanne VanDeusen, Joanne Wilhelm, Mary Wile
2013 Kathleen Gardina
2014 Donald Cavelero
2015 Polly Shaw
2016 Jim and Kay Huemme
2017 Joanne Wilheim
2018 Mary K Davis
2021 Carol Ball
BC3 Scholarship
Yearly, we present a $500 scholarship to a BC3 student who is studying to become a teacher.
2014 Katrina Mills
2015 Sarah Bartley
2016 Sara Scarpino
2017 Shelly Rae Helzlsouer
2018 Brianna Simmons
2019 Lillian Schoettker
PASR Commendations for Service to PASR/Education
2014 PASR Chapter Appreciation Award for 50 years
Helen Ferguson
Carol Ball
Norma Neely,
March 2015 PASR Commendation Award to Peg Harding
May 2015 PASR Commendation Award to Donna Reeder, posthumously, accepted by her husband, Joe and her mother, Gloria.
December 2015 Donna Vogel
2017 Veronica Rozic, for Region 8 Director
2019 Special Commendation to Helen Cypher on the occasion of her 107th birthday.
PASR State Executive Director Mark McKillop presents the Commendation to Helen Cypher.
Right: Helen and PASR Butler President Polly Shaw
See home page on this website for link to Butler Eagle special feature on Helen's remarkable career.
Lauretta Woodson
Dr. Lauretta Woodson was a member of PASR and upon her passing, she bequeathed a sum of money to PASR to be used for the support of public education.The purpose of the Lauretta Woodson Recognition Program is to honor one teacher and one support professional for doing an outstanding job within a district or school.
Each receives the framed plaque, a PASR pin, and a check for $100 to be used in the classroom.
2014 Chris Calhoun and Patty Callossimo
2015-16 Karns City, presented by Superintendent Eric Ritzert and Peg Harding, to Erin Futscher and Carissa Garing
2016-17Mars, Charlesa Fassinger, Bob Elliott
2017-18 Moniteau
Naomi Wagner, Heather Salmon
2018 Seneca Valley
Maralee Walter, Christie Rice
2019-20 Slippery Rock
NRTA - AARP's Educator Community With Our Youth Dedication Award
2015 Presented to Polly Shaw at State House of Delegates
pictured L to R: Butler President Peg Harding, Polly Shaw, PASR President Barry Kelly
2016 Butler Chapter nominated Marcia Semple for the With Our Youth Award. Unfortunately, the AARP didn't participate in the program this year. Butler Chapter heartily congratulations Marcia for her many accomplishments that deserve this recognition.
PASR Media Recognition Award
Dave Malarkey, Radio Station WISR
Educational Support Grant - $500
A high school senior who is relative of a PASR Butler member may apply for an educational support grant, to be applied to the college where the student will student will be a education major.
2012 - Eleanor Shaw, Slippery Rock High School, to study at Grove City College